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Search for stamps on Mosques : found 48 products
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Aden 1939-48 KG6 Aidrus Mosque 1/2a yellowish-green on piece...
Aden 1939-48 KG6 Aidrus Mosque 1/2a yellowish-green unmounte...
Bahawalpur 1945 Official overprint on Temple 1r unmounted mi...
Brunei 1958 Mosque set of 3 unmounted mint, SG 114-15
Chartonia (Fantasy) Landmarks - Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, A...
Cinderella - Lugano cigar band illustrating King Hussein of ...
Cyprus 1934 KG5 Pictorial 6pi black & blue mounted mint SG 1...
Cyprus 1934 KG5 Pictorial 9pi sepia & violet mounted mint SG...
Cyprus 1938-51 KG6 Bayraktar Mosque 6pi black & blue mounted...
Cyprus 1938-51 KG6 Bayraktar Mosque 6pi black & blue SG 158 ...
Egypt 1939-46 King Farouk & Mosque 40m sepia unmounted mint,...
Egypt 1953 Mosque 30m green unmounted mint, SG 423*
Egypt 1953 Mosque 32m blue unmounted mint, SG 424*
Egypt 1953 Mosque 40m red-brown unmounted mint, SG 427*
Egypt 1953 Mosque 50m dull purple unmounted mint, SG 428*
Egypt 1969 Al-Azhar Mosque 5m unmounted mint, SG 1040
Egypt 1969 Luxor Temple 10m unmounted mint, SG 1041
French Afars & Issas 1968-70 Buildings & Landmarks - Great M...
Gaza 1948 King Farouk & Mosque 40m sepia unmounted mint SG 1...
Israel 1986 End of Ramadan 30a Mosque vertical pair with sup...
Jordan 1947 Mosque at Hebron 1m ultramarine Obligatory Tax s...
Jordan 1947 Mosque at Hebron 3m emerald Obligatory Tax stamp...
Jordan 1954 Mosque at El Aqsa 200f unmounted mint SG 429
Malaya - Johore 1960 Mosque 5c (from def set) unmounted mint...
Malaya - Malacca 1957 Mosque 5c (from def set) unmounted min...
Malaya - Negri Sembilan 1957 Mosque 5c (from def set) unmoun...
Malaya - Pahang 1957 Mosque 5c (from def set) unmounted mint...
Malaya - Penang 1957 Mosque 5c (from def set) unmounted mint...
Malaya - Selangor 1935-41 Mosque 2c orange P14x14.5 block of...
Malaya - Selangor 1935-41 Mosque 2c orange P14x14.5 unmounte...
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