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Search for stamps on Lenin : found 45 products
Results page:
Albania 1963 Statue of Lenin 10L from Anniversary of October...
Albania 1964 5L from set of 2 commemorating 40th Death Anniv...
Albania 1965 7L 50 Prime Ministers Congress, Peking with ima...
Angola 1999 Countdown to the Millennium #03 (1920-1929) shee...
Czechoslovakia 1971 50th Anniversary of Czech Communist Part...
Czechoslovakia 1985 Birth Anniversary of Lenin unmounted min...
Czechoslovakia 1990 Birth Anniversaries set of 6 unmounted m...
Germany - East 1967 50th Anniversary of October Revolution m...
Germany - East 1970 Birth Centenary of Lenin m/sheet, unmoun...
Hungary 1967 50th Anniversary of October Revolution set of 3...
Ivory Coast 2012 Personalities of the Last Millennium #11 im...
Ivory Coast 2012 Personalities of the Last Millennium #11 pe...
Mali 1974 Lenin 50th Death Anniversary 150f imperf, as SG 43...
Mali 2017 Centenary of Russian Revolution perf deluxe sheet ...
Mauritius 1970 Birth Centenary of Lenin perf set of 2 unmoun...
Mongolia 1960 90th Birth Anniversary of Lenin, perf set of 2...
Mongolia 1964 60th Anniversary of London Bolshevik (Communis...
Mongolia 1967 50th Anniversary of Revolution perf set of 2 u...
Mongolia 1973 Postal Ministers Congress 60m unmounted mint, ...
Mongolia 1977 Lenin Museum 60m unmounted mint, SG 1087
Mongolia 1978 Review Problems of Peace & Socialism 60m unmou...
Mongolia 1987 70th Anniversary of Russian Revolution 60m unm...
North Korea 1984 Russian Ice-Breakers m/sheet (The Lenin) ct...
Russia 1954 37th Anniversary of Revolution cto used, SG 1869...
Russia 1955 85th Birth Anniversary of Lenin set of 3 unmount...
Russia 1958 Atomic Ice-Breaker Lenin 40k unmounted mint SG22...
Russia 1962 Lenin Pioneer Organization cto set of 5, SG 2689...
Russia 1963 93rd Birth Anniversary of Lenin unmounted mint, ...
Russia 1964 20th Anniversary of Liberation of Leningrad unmo...
Russia 1970 50th Anniversary of Goelro Electrification Plan ...
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