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Search for stamps on Folklore : found 85 products
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Great Britain 1981 Folklore 22p (Lammastide) on Benham small...
Great Britain 1981 Folklore 25p (Medieval Mummers) on Benham...
Great Britain 1981 Folklore unmounted mint set of 4 SG 1143-...
Great Britain 1986 Christmas - Folk Customs set of 5 PHQ car...
Great Britain 1986 Christmas - Folk Customs set of 6 unmount...
Greenland 1961 Drum Dance 35ore unmounted mint, SG 47*
Guernsey 1981 Europa - Folklore set of 2 unmounted mint, SG ...
Isle of Man 1981 Europa - Folk Lore perf set of 2 unmounted ...
Jersey 1981 Europa - Folklore perf set of 4 (2 se-tenant pai...
Malta 1976 Folklore set of 4 unmounted mint, SG 555-8
Match Box Labels - complete set of 12 Costumes & Flags super...
Match Box Labels - complete set of 18 Belgian Folklore Costu...
Match Box Labels - complete set of 20 Belgian Folklore Costu...
North Korea 1977 Korean Cultural Relics sheetlet containing ...
North Korea 1983 Folk Games sheetlet containing 10ch & 40ch ...
North Korea 1985 Koguryo Culture sheetlet containing set of ...
North Korea 1996 Folk Tales (Screen Painting) sheetlet conta...
Papua New Guinea 1966 Folklore - Elema Art (1st series) set ...
Papua New Guinea 1969 Folklore - Elema Art (2nd series) set ...
Papua New Guinea 1977 Folklore (Art 3rd series) set of 4 unm...
Papua New Guinea 1990 Dance Masks set of 4 unmounted mint, S...
Papua New Guinea 1991 Tribal Headresses set of 4 unmounted m...
Poland 1974 Polish Folklore - 16th Cent Woodcuts (1st series...
Poland 1977 Folk Customs - 19th Cent Wood Engravings perf se...
Poland 1977 Polish Folklore - 16th Cent Woodcuts (2nd series...
Postmark - Great Britain 1975 card bearing illustrated cance...
Postmark - Great Britain 1976 card bearing special cancellat...
Postmark - Great Britain 1977 card bearing illustrated cance...
Postmark - Great Britain 2002 cover with Up-Helly-Aa Lerwick...
Postmark - Great Britain 2004 cover with Up-Helly-Aa Lerwick...
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