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Search for stamps on X-rays : found 36 products
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Albania 1989 Anniversaries set of 4 (Strauss, Marie Curie, L...
Barbuda 1981 Famous Women imperf master proof containing set...
Barbuda 1981 Famous Women set of 4 unmounted mint, SG 546-9
Barbuda 1981 Marie Curie 90c imperf progressive colour proof...
Barbuda 1981 Marie Curie 90c imperf proof mounted on Format ...
Barbuda 1981 Marie Curie 90c set of 4 imperf progressive col...
Barbuda 1981 Marie Curie 90c unmounted mint imperforate pair...
Bophuthatswana 1981 International Year of the Disabled set o...
Canada 1973 Centenary of Royal Canadian Mounted Police set o...
Cinderella - China 19?? TB label in blue showing Child & X-R...
Cinderella - China 19?? TB label in orange showing Child & X...
Cinderella - Panama 1960 Anti TB label unmounted mint showin...
Congo 2001 Personalities of the 20th Century perf sheetlet #...
France 1938 International Anti-Cancer Fund 1f75 + 50c unmoun...
France 1967 Birth Centenary of Marie Curie superb cds used, ...
France 1967 Birth Centenary of Marie Curie unmounted mint, S...
Germany - West 1951 50th Anniversary of Award to Röntgen - ...
Germany - West 1951 50th Anniversary of Award to R\9Antgen -...
Great Britain 1994 Europa - Medical Discoveries set of 4 unm...
Great Britain 2000 Millennium Projects #09 - Mind & Matter s...
Guyana 1995 Centenary of X-Rays - Orchids imperf deluxe shee...
Guyana 1995 Centenary of X-Rays - Orchids imperf deluxe shee...
India 1968 Marie Curie unmounted mint SG 574*
India 1998 20th International Congress of Radiology unmounte...
Mali 2006 Christiaan Huygens perf m/sheet containing 2 value...
Mali 2006 Edmond Halley perf m/sheet containing 2 values (al...
Mali 2006 Galileo Galilei perf m/sheet containing 2 values (...
Mali 2006 Gemma Frisius perf m/sheet containing 2 values (al...
Mali 2006 Giovanni Cassini perf m/sheet containing 2 values ...
Mali 2006 Isaac Newton perf m/sheet containing 2 values (als...
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