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Search for stamps on Sculptures : found 32 products
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Aden - Upper Yafa 1967 Sculptures perf set of 5 cto used, Mi...
Brazil 1990 Lubrapex Stamp Exhibition (Sculptures) se-tenant...
Canada 1981 17th century Canadian Women (Statues by Emile Br...
Canada 1988 Architectural features 50c booklet (Indian Mask ...
Chartonia (Fantasy) Landmarks - Terracotta Warriors, China p...
Czechoslovakia 1982 Sculptures perf set of 5 unmounted mint,...
France 1952 Red Cross Fund (Sculptures) set of 2 unmounted m...
France 1971 French Art set of 3 unmounted mint, SG1908-1910
French Polynesia 1983 Religious Sculptures imperf set of 3 f...
Fujeira 1972 Sculptures set of 5 cto used Mi 846-50
Gabon 1978 Christmas - Sculptures perf set of 2 unmounted mi...
Germany - East 1983 Sculptures in Berlin State Museum perf s...
Great Britain 1995 The Four Seasons - Springtime set of 5 un...
Greece 1974 Europa - Ancient Greek Sculptures perf set of 3 ...
Iceland 1960 World Refugee Year (Sculpture) set of 2 unmount...
Isle of Man 1991 Christmas - Paper Sculptures booklet stamps...
Isle of Man 1991 Christmas - Paper Sculptures set of 4 unmou...
Macao 1999 Contemporary Sculptures (The Pearl) m/sheet unmou...
Mali 1973 Famous Sculptures set of 3, imperf from limited pr...
Match Box Labels - complete set of 10 Sculptures, superb unu...
Mongolia 1988 Religious Sculptures perf set of 8 values unmo...
Poland 1992 Polish Sculptures set of 4 unmounted mint, SG 34...
Rumania 1967 Sculptures by C Brancusi perf set of 7 unmounte...
Somalia 2004 Sculptures by Canova perf sheetlet containing 4...
Somalia 2004 Sculptures by Gianlorenzo Bernini perf sheetlet...
Southern Yemen 1968 Archaeology perf set of 4 unmounted mint...
Southern Yemen 1968 Martyrs Day perf set of 3 unmounted mint...
Spain 1974 Europa - Stone Sculptures perf set of 2 unmounted...
St Thomas & Prince Islands 2008 Popes (Jean Paul II, Benedic...
United States 1953 American Bar Association 3c unmounted min...
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