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A limerick is a type of humorous verse of five lines with an AABBA rhyme scheme: the poem's connection with the city in Ireland is obscure, but the name is generally taken to be a reference to Limerick city or County Limerick.

Our first example is asking the question 'What is a Limerick?'
What is a limerick, Mother?
It's a form of verse, said brother
In which lines one and two
Rhyme with five when it's through
And three and four must rhyme with each other
What is a limerick, Mother?
It's a form of verse, said brother
In which lines one and two
Rhyme with five when it's through
And three and four must rhyme with each other

Edward Lear, the English artist, illustrator, author and poet, is today known mostly for his literary nonsense, especially his Limericks, which some say Lear invented. Indeed, the earliest known use of the name 'Limerick' for this type poem is an 1880 reference in a newspaper, published eight years before Lear's death.

Modern Limericks are frequently bawdy or crude as suggested in this example from an unknown writer:
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
In space that is quite economical
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
In space that is quite economical
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical

But then Langford Reed came along and made the Limerick respectable
Langford Reed saved the limerick verse
From being taken away in a hearse
He made it so clean
Now it's fit for a queen
Re-established for better or worse
By George Bernard Shaw
Langford Reed saved the limerick verse
From being taken away in a hearse
He made it so clean
Now it's fit for a queen
Re-established for better or worse
By George Bernard Shaw

There were few who thought him a starter
Many who thought themselves smarter
But he ended PM
CH and OM
an Earl and a Knight of the Garter
by Clement Attlee about himself
There were few who thought him a starter
Many who thought themselves smarter
But he ended PM
CH and OM
an Earl and a Knight of the Garter
by Clement Attlee about himself

There once was a Bolshie called Lenin
Who did one or two million men in
That's a lot to have done
But where he did one
That old Bolshie Stalin did ten in!
There once was a Bolshie called Lenin
Who did one or two million men in
That's a lot to have done
But where he did one
That old Bolshie Stalin did ten in!

It is said of brave Baroness Thatcher
That three mortal men couldn't match her
When she once saw a mouse
In her Downing Street house
It took six mortal men just to catch her
It is said of brave Baroness Thatcher
That three mortal men couldn't match her
When she once saw a mouse
In her Downing Street house
It took six mortal men just to catch her

Ronald Reagan screamed out in dismay
When he saw his old films 'I must say
It's a very hard fact
I must learn to act'
And that's what he does every day
Ronald Reagan screamed out in dismay
When he saw his old films 'I must say
It's a very hard fact
I must learn to act'
And that's what he does every day

Had your question been earlier declared
I might have seemed less thought-impaired
When you probe my mistakes
my false confidence breaks
'cause I don't have my bullshit prepared
Written about George W Bush
Had your question been earlier declared
I might have seemed less thought-impaired
When you probe my mistakes
my false confidence breaks
'cause I don't have my bullshit prepared
Written about George W Bush

Russian rockets said CCCP
Which was slightly confusing to me
If the C was both two
Of those S's and U
Then should Kruschev have two C's or three
Russian rockets said CCCP
Which was slightly confusing to me
If the C was both two
Of those S's and U
Then should Kruschev have two C's or three

It filled Galileo with mirth
To watch his two rocks fall to Earth
He gladly proclaimed
'Their rates are the same
And quite independent of girth!'
It filled Galileo with mirth
To watch his two rocks fall to Earth
He gladly proclaimed
'Their rates are the same
And quite independent of girth!'

Then Newton announced in due course
His own law of gravity's force
'It goes, I declare
As the inverted square
Of the distance from object to source'
Then Newton announced in due course
His own law of gravity's force
'It goes, I declare
As the inverted square
Of the distance from object to source'

Einstein, the frizzy-haired
claimed E equals MC squared
thus mass decreases
as activity ceases ...
not my mass, my ass he declared!
by Michael R. Burch
Einstein, the frizzy-haired
claimed E equals MC squared
thus mass decreases
as activity ceases ...
not my mass, my ass he declared!
by Michael R. Burch

But remarkably, Einstein's equation
Succeeds to describe gravitation
As spacetime that's curved
And it's this that will serve
As the planets' unique motivation
But remarkably, Einstein's equation
Succeeds to describe gravitation
As spacetime that's curved
And it's this that will serve
As the planets' unique motivation

Yet the end of the story's not written
By a new way of thinking we're smitten
We twist and we turn
Attempting to learn
The Superstring Theory of Witten!
Yet the end of the story's not written
By a new way of thinking we're smitten
We twist and we turn
Attempting to learn
The Superstring Theory of Witten!

The Sun orbits Earth it was thought
'Twas a theory most scientists bought
But Copernicus found
This belief was unsound
Now a sun-centered system is taught
The Sun orbits Earth it was thought
'Twas a theory most scientists bought
But Copernicus found
This belief was unsound
Now a sun-centered system is taught

A rocket inventor named Bright
Once traveled much faster than light
He started one day
In the relative way
And returned on the previous night
A rocket inventor named Bright
Once traveled much faster than light
He started one day
In the relative way
And returned on the previous night

Archimedes, that well-known truth-seeker
Jumped out of his bath with 'Eureka'
He ran half a mile
Wearing only a smile
And became the very first streaker
Archimedes, that well-known truth-seeker
Jumped out of his bath with 'Eureka'
He ran half a mile
Wearing only a smile
And became the very first streaker

A maiden at college, Miss Breeze
Weighed down by B.A.s and Ph.D's
Collapsed from the strain
Said her doctor 'It's plain
You are killing yourself --- by degrees!'
A maiden at college, Miss Breeze
Weighed down by B.A.s and Ph.D's
Collapsed from the strain
Said her doctor 'It's plain
You are killing yourself --- by degrees!'

A crossword compiler named Moss
Who found himself quite at a loss
When asked 'Why so blue?'
Said, 'I haven't a clue
I'm 2 Down to put 1 Across'
A crossword compiler named Moss
Who found himself quite at a loss
When asked 'Why so blue?'
Said, 'I haven't a clue
I'm 2 Down to put 1 Across'

The integral t squared dt
From one to the cube root of three
Times the cosine
Of three pi over nine
Equals log of the cube root of e.
The integral t squared dt
From one to the cube root of three
Times the cosine
Of three pi over nine
Equals log of the cube root of e.

A mathematician confided
That a Mobius band is one-sided
'You'll get quite a laugh
If you cut one in half
For it stays in one piece when divided!'
A mathematician confided
That a Mobius band is one-sided
'You'll get quite a laugh
If you cut one in half
For it stays in one piece when divided!'

There once was an old man of Esser
Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser
It at last grew so small
He knew nothing at all
And now he's a college professor
There once was an old man of Esser
Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser
It at last grew so small
He knew nothing at all
And now he's a college professor

A dozen a gross and a score
Plus three times the square root of four
Divided by seven
Plus five times eleven
Is nine squared and not a bit more
A dozen a gross and a score
Plus three times the square root of four
Divided by seven
Plus five times eleven
Is nine squared and not a bit more

The bustard's an exquisite fowl
With plenty of reason to howl
He escapes what would be
By grace of a fortunate vowel
The bustard's an exquisite fowl
With plenty of reason to howl
He escapes what would be
By grace of a fortunate vowel

A love-sick young barn-owl in Kew
Had a pretty young she-owl in view
He twittered, 'I oughter
Endeavor to court 'er
But I don't have enough wit to woo!'
A love-sick young barn-owl in Kew
Had a pretty young she-owl in view
He twittered, 'I oughter
Endeavor to court 'er
But I don't have enough wit to woo!'

Ernie, a handsome young eagle
Thought his white-feathered head was quite regal
But the ladies he called
Having heard he was bald
Said they'd rather go out with a seagull
by Joanna G. Larson
Ernie, a handsome young eagle
Thought his white-feathered head was quite regal
But the ladies he called
Having heard he was bald
Said they'd rather go out with a seagull
by Joanna G. Larson

Asked a great ancient poet, 'Oh when
Will we have a fair ode to the wren?'
But that, as you know
Was a time long ago
Now it's now and, of course, that was then
Asked a great ancient poet, 'Oh when
Will we have a fair ode to the wren?'
But that, as you know
Was a time long ago
Now it's now and, of course, that was then

A wonderful bird is the pelican
His bill can hold more than his belican
He can take in his beak
Food enough for a week
But I'm damned if I see how the helican
by Dixon Merritt
A wonderful bird is the pelican
His bill can hold more than his belican
He can take in his beak
Food enough for a week
But I'm damned if I see how the helican
by Dixon Merritt

A bird I despise is the crow
Cause it picks at the crops that I grow
As it picks from the ground
I shout and jump around
then I chase them away with my hoe
by Gavin Laben
A bird I despise is the crow
Cause it picks at the crops that I grow
As it picks from the ground
I shout and jump around
then I chase them away with my hoe
by Gavin Laben

There was an old man who averred
He had learned how to fly like a bird
Cheered by thousands of people
He leapt from the steeple
This tomb states the date it occured
There was an old man who averred
He had learned how to fly like a bird
Cheered by thousands of people
He leapt from the steeple
This tomb states the date it occured

A good tennis serve is an ace
As it lands in the court at a pace
Backhand or forehand
It may need some more hand
So your shot will not end in disgrace
A good tennis serve is an ace
As it lands in the court at a pace
Backhand or forehand
It may need some more hand
So your shot will not end in disgrace

Mohammed Ali carried a punch
Could spa from breakfast to lunch
A real heavy blow
Could produce a KO
That punch before lunch was the crunch
Mohammed Ali carried a punch
Could spa from breakfast to lunch
A real heavy blow
Could produce a KO
That punch before lunch was the crunch

A footballer in from the States
Was paid at very high rates
But when he lost touch
He wasn't worth much
Now he just kicks around with his mates
A footballer in from the States
Was paid at very high rates
But when he lost touch
He wasn't worth much
Now he just kicks around with his mates

Two wrestlers grunting and groaning a lot
Found themselves in a real awkward spot
With muscles all flexed
They were feeling quite vexed
Cos they found themselves tied in a knot
Two wrestlers grunting and groaning a lot
Found themselves in a real awkward spot
With muscles all flexed
They were feeling quite vexed
Cos they found themselves tied in a knot

His golf shot was out of control
To sand in a trap it did roll
To add to the strain
And double the pain
The bunker was on the wrong hole
His golf shot was out of control
To sand in a trap it did roll
To add to the strain
And double the pain
The bunker was on the wrong hole

A young man was mad about Cricket
He loved centre stage at the wicket
Hitting the ball to the boundary
Just like Colin Cowdry
With the fans yelling 'That's the ticket'
A young man was mad about Cricket
He loved centre stage at the wicket
Hitting the ball to the boundary
Just like Colin Cowdry
With the fans yelling 'That's the ticket'

There was a young belle of old Natchez
Whose garments were always in patchez
When comments arose
On the state of her clothes
She replied, 'When Ah itchez, Ah scratchez'
by Ogden Nash
There was a young belle of old Natchez
Whose garments were always in patchez
When comments arose
On the state of her clothes
She replied, 'When Ah itchez, Ah scratchez'
by Ogden Nash

There was a commercial female
Had prices tattooed on her tail
And below her behind
For the sake of the blind
Had a duplicate version in Braille
There was a commercial female
Had prices tattooed on her tail
And below her behind
For the sake of the blind
Had a duplicate version in Braille

A bather whose clothing was strewed
By winds, that left her quite nude
Saw a man come along
And unless I am wrong
You expected this line to be rude
A bather whose clothing was strewed
By winds, that left her quite nude
Saw a man come along
And unless I am wrong
You expected this line to be rude

There was a young girl in the choir
Whose voice rose hoir and hoir
Till it reached such a height
It was clear out of seight
And they found it next day on the spoir
There was a young girl in the choir
Whose voice rose hoir and hoir
Till it reached such a height
It was clear out of seight
And they found it next day on the spoir

She wanted to grow up a saint
And her mother, she had no complaint
But men - quite a few
Were more fun than a pew
So she wanted to be but she ain't
She wanted to grow up a saint
And her mother, she had no complaint
But men - quite a few
Were more fun than a pew
So she wanted to be but she ain't

There was a young lady named Hannah
Who slipped on a peel of banana
As she lay on her side
More stars she espied
Than there are in the Star-Spangled Banner
There was a young lady named Hannah
Who slipped on a peel of banana
As she lay on her side
More stars she espied
Than there are in the Star-Spangled Banner

A combustible woman from Thang
Exploded one day with a BANG!
The maid then rushed in
And said with a grin
'Pardon me, madam - you rang?'
by Spike Milligan
A combustible woman from Thang
Exploded one day with a BANG!
The maid then rushed in
And said with a grin
'Pardon me, madam - you rang?'
by Spike Milligan

As a beauty I am not a star
There are others more handsome by far
But my face - I don't mind it
For I am behind it
It's the people in front that I jar
As a beauty I am not a star
There are others more handsome by far
But my face - I don't mind it
For I am behind it
It's the people in front that I jar

The marriage of poor Kim Kardashian
Was krushed like a kar in a krashian.
Her Kris kried, not fair!
Why kan't I keep my share?
But Kardashian fell klean outa fashian
by Salman Rushdie
The marriage of poor Kim Kardashian
Was krushed like a kar in a krashian.
Her Kris kried, not fair!
Why kan't I keep my share?
But Kardashian fell klean outa fashian
by Salman Rushdie

There once was a fly on the wall
I wonder why didn't fall
Because its feet stuck
Or was it just luck
Or does gravity miss things so small?
There once was a fly on the wall
I wonder why didn't fall
Because its feet stuck
Or was it just luck
Or does gravity miss things so small?

Two spiders were noisily playing
Their mom came and gave them a flaying
She said 'Stop that riot
You have to be quiet
A mantis is here, and he's praying!'
Two spiders were noisily playing
Their mom came and gave them a flaying
She said 'Stop that riot
You have to be quiet
A mantis is here, and he's praying!'

There was an old man of St. Bees
Who was horribly stung by a wasp
When they said, 'does it hurt?
'He replied, 'no, it doesn't -
It's a good job it wasn't a hornet'
by W S Gilbert (after Lear)
There was an old man of St. Bees
Who was horribly stung by a wasp
When they said, 'does it hurt?
'He replied, 'no, it doesn't -
It's a good job it wasn't a hornet'
by W S Gilbert (after Lear)

A mosquito was heard to complain
'A chemist has poisoned my brain'
The cause of his sorrow
was paradichloro-
A mosquito was heard to complain
'A chemist has poisoned my brain'
The cause of his sorrow
was paradichloro-

A fly and a flea in a flue
Were imprisoned, so what could they do?
Said the fly, 'Let us flee!'
'Let us fly!' said the flea
So they flew through a flaw in the flue
by Ogden Nash
A fly and a flea in a flue
Were imprisoned, so what could they do?
Said the fly, 'Let us flee!'
'Let us fly!' said the flea
So they flew through a flaw in the flue
by Ogden Nash

Julie the June bug was sad
she cried for the life that she had
'I need to know why
I must die in July...
Can Autumn be really that bad?'
Julie the June bug was sad
she cried for the life that she had
'I need to know why
I must die in July...
Can Autumn be really that bad?'

He swam fifteen lengths of the pool
As he climbed out he felt such a fool
Red-faced with no towel
He swore in language quite fowl
For he'd lost both his trunks and his cool
He swam fifteen lengths of the pool
As he climbed out he felt such a fool
Red-faced with no towel
He swore in language quite fowl
For he'd lost both his trunks and his cool

There was a young fellow named Fisher
Who was fishing for fish in a fissure
When a cod, with a grin
Pulled the fisherman in ...
Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher
There was a young fellow named Fisher
Who was fishing for fish in a fissure
When a cod, with a grin
Pulled the fisherman in ...
Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher

An ambitious young fellow named Matt
Tried to parachute using his hat
Folks below looked so small
As he started to fall
Then got bigger and bigger and SPLAT!
by Graham Lester
An ambitious young fellow named Matt
Tried to parachute using his hat
Folks below looked so small
As he started to fall
Then got bigger and bigger and SPLAT!
by Graham Lester

It's been told an old man sent Emails
To some very dubious females
When asked what they said
He just shook his head
I'd rather not go into details
It's been told an old man sent Emails
To some very dubious females
When asked what they said
He just shook his head
I'd rather not go into details

The Chess world could hardly wait
For the Fischer v Spassky date
After King's Bishop four
They thought it a draw
But it turned out to be check-mate
The Chess world could hardly wait
For the Fischer v Spassky date
After King's Bishop four
They thought it a draw
But it turned out to be check-mate

If you're up at the break of dawn
And all notions of sleep have all gawn
Go out for a jog
In rain, sunshine of fog
You'll soon regret you were bawn
If you're up at the break of dawn
And all notions of sleep have all gawn
Go out for a jog
In rain, sunshine of fog
You'll soon regret you were bawn

A right-handed fellow named Wright
In writing 'write' always wrote 'rite'
Where he meant to write right
If he'd written 'write' right
Wright would not have wrought rot writing 'rite'
A right-handed fellow named Wright
In writing 'write' always wrote 'rite'
Where he meant to write right
If he'd written 'write' right
Wright would not have wrought rot writing 'rite'

An epicure dining at Crewe
Found a rather large mouse in his stew
Said the waiter 'Don t shout
Or wave it about
Or the rest will be wanting one too'
An epicure dining at Crewe
Found a rather large mouse in his stew
Said the waiter 'Don t shout
Or wave it about
Or the rest will be wanting one too'

A canner exceedingly canny
One morning remarked to his granny
'A canner can can
Any thing that he can
But a canner can't can a can, can he?'
by Carolyn Wells
A canner exceedingly canny
One morning remarked to his granny
'A canner can can
Any thing that he can
But a canner can't can a can, can he?'
by Carolyn Wells

A bather in Blackpool once said
'I see that my bottom has spread
Fish and Chips that I eat
Have broadened my seat
Should I take up the Can-Can instead?'
by Sue West
A bather in Blackpool once said
'I see that my bottom has spread
Fish and Chips that I eat
Have broadened my seat
Should I take up the Can-Can instead?'
by Sue West

There was a young lady of Ryde
Who ate some green apples and died
The apples fermented
Inside the lamented
And made cider inside her inside
There was a young lady of Ryde
Who ate some green apples and died
The apples fermented
Inside the lamented
And made cider inside her inside

I tasted Australian stew
Quite hearty and nutritious, too
Then I was left cold
When somebody told
That the meat bits were all kangaroo!
I tasted Australian stew
Quite hearty and nutritious, too
Then I was left cold
When somebody told
That the meat bits were all kangaroo!

One Saturday morning at three
A cheesemonger's shop in Paree
Collapsed to the ground
With a thunderous sound
Leaving only a pile of de brie
One Saturday morning at three
A cheesemonger's shop in Paree
Collapsed to the ground
With a thunderous sound
Leaving only a pile of de brie

There was a young man from Clyde
Who hated his eggs boiled or fried
When asked to say why
'It's just because I
Am a poacher by trade' he replied
There was a young man from Clyde
Who hated his eggs boiled or fried
When asked to say why
'It's just because I
Am a poacher by trade' he replied

In my role as the public's protector
Said a government livestock inspector
'It wasn't spring lamb
Being sold by the gram
In the meat shop of Hannibal Lecter
In my role as the public's protector
Said a government livestock inspector
'It wasn't spring lamb
Being sold by the gram
In the meat shop of Hannibal Lecter

A cheerful old bear at the Zoo
Could always find something to do
When it bored him you know
To walk to and fro
He reversed it and walked fro and to
A cheerful old bear at the Zoo
Could always find something to do
When it bored him you know
To walk to and fro
He reversed it and walked fro and to

There was a young lady of Niger
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside
And the smile on the face of the tiger
by Edward Lear
There was a young lady of Niger
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside
And the smile on the face of the tiger
by Edward Lear

A major with wonderful force
Called out in Hyde Park for a horse
All the flowers looked round
But no horse could be found
So he just rhododendron of course

There was a young curate from Kew
Who kept a tom cat in a pew
And taught it to speak
Alphabetical Greek
But it never got further than 'µ'
There was a young curate from Kew
Who kept a tom cat in a pew
And taught it to speak
Alphabetical Greek
But it never got further than 'µ'

Do beware, I declare, the rhinoceros
Whose temper is truly atroceros
So do not, for Pete's sake
Ever stupidly make
An obstroperos rhinoceros croceros
Do beware, I declare, the rhinoceros
Whose temper is truly atroceros
So do not, for Pete's sake
Ever stupidly make
An obstroperos rhinoceros croceros

There once was a little French chamois
Who frolicked on rocks near his mamois
His innocent fun
Was soon wrecked by a gun
And he's now washing cars in Miamois
There once was a little French chamois
Who frolicked on rocks near his mamois
His innocent fun
Was soon wrecked by a gun
And he's now washing cars in Miamois

There once was a gastronaut croc
Who pan fried his fish in a wok
With consummate skill
He filleted brill
And boiled up the bones to make stock
There once was a gastronaut croc
Who pan fried his fish in a wok
With consummate skill
He filleted brill
And boiled up the bones to make stock

Of all the world's myriad fauna
ThereÕs nothing quite like the iguana
But you must understand
That they hail from a land
With a climate that's much like a sauna
Of all the world's myriad fauna
ThereÕs nothing quite like the iguana
But you must understand
That they hail from a land
With a climate that's much like a sauna

Desert tortoises stay in their shell
They move slowly, and burrow as well
This is all for the best
In a desert southwest
Even reptiles find hotter than hell
Desert tortoises stay in their shell
They move slowly, and burrow as well
This is all for the best
In a desert southwest
Even reptiles find hotter than hell

Out dining, an old alligator
When asked if he'd have coffee later
Just shook his head
And pleasantly said
'I was planning on having the waiter'
Out dining, an old alligator
When asked if he'd have coffee later
Just shook his head
And pleasantly said
'I was planning on having the waiter'

In Rome, an old tortoise named Myrtle
Was in prison for stealing a girdle
Then the Vatican City
Agreed to have pity
And the headlines read 'Pope Springs a Turtle!'
In Rome, an old tortoise named Myrtle
Was in prison for stealing a girdle
Then the Vatican City
Agreed to have pity
And the headlines read 'Pope Springs a Turtle!'

There once was a devious snake
Who pretended to have fang ache
The dentist he tried
Just said 'open wide'
And that was a fatal mistake
There once was a devious snake
Who pretended to have fang ache
The dentist he tried
Just said 'open wide'
And that was a fatal mistake

I looked at a Ford Karmen Ghia
Then checked out the cars from Korea
Well built and quite nice
And a quarter the price
I ended up buying a Kia
I looked at a Ford Karmen Ghia
Then checked out the cars from Korea
Well built and quite nice
And a quarter the price
I ended up buying a Kia

Two brothers named Wong couldn't quite
Pull off their first aeroplane flight
When their rig crashed and burned
They finally learned
Two Wongs never could make a Wright
Two brothers named Wong couldn't quite
Pull off their first aeroplane flight
When their rig crashed and burned
They finally learned
Two Wongs never could make a Wright

I buried my foot to the floor
my Mustang took off with a roar
the corner was tight
my speed out of sight
the funeral's tomorrow, at four!
I buried my foot to the floor
my Mustang took off with a roar
the corner was tight
my speed out of sight
the funeral's tomorrow, at four!

A traveler once to his sorrow
Requested a ticket to Morrow
Said the railman, 'It's plain
That there isn't a train
To Morrow today, but tomorrow'
A traveler once to his sorrow
Requested a ticket to Morrow
Said the railman, 'It's plain
That there isn't a train
To Morrow today, but tomorrow'

There was a young man from Dealing
Who caught the bus bound for Ealing
It said on the door
Don't spit on the floor
So he jumped up and spat on the ceiling
There was a young man from Dealing
Who caught the bus bound for Ealing
It said on the door
Don't spit on the floor
So he jumped up and spat on the ceiling

At 16 I sighed as I hoped
For a bike like a Harley. I groped
In my pocket for cash
And bought something less flash;
Then I sat on my moped and moped.
At 16 I sighed as I hoped
For a bike like a Harley. I groped
In my pocket for cash
And bought something less flash;
Then I sat on my moped and moped.

There was a composer called Brahms
Whose music has wonderful charms
Some say its old-fashioned
Should be banned and then rationed
While others it soothes and it calms
There was a composer called Brahms
Whose music has wonderful charms
Some say its old-fashioned
Should be banned and then rationed
While others it soothes and it calms

There was a composer named Mozart
Whose music's okay for the most part
From the scraping of strings
To the thumping on things
To the large-people-stretching-their-throats part.
There was a composer named Mozart
Whose music's okay for the most part
From the scraping of strings
To the thumping on things
To the large-people-stretching-their-throats part.

There was a Composer called Handel
To whom most cannot hold a candle
He wrote The Messiah
A great work to inspire
If it ain't then I'll go eat my sandle
There was a Composer called Handel
To whom most cannot hold a candle
He wrote The Messiah
A great work to inspire
If it ain't then I'll go eat my sandle

There was a composer named Liszt
Whose music no one could resist
When he swept the keyboard
No one could be bored
And now that he's gone he is missed
There was a composer named Liszt
Whose music no one could resist
When he swept the keyboard
No one could be bored
And now that he's gone he is missed

Beethoven, the great Ludwig van
Was one very handicapped man
'Cause if you're a chef
You don't mind if you're deaf
But composers should hear, if they can
Beethoven, the great Ludwig van
Was one very handicapped man
'Cause if you're a chef
You don't mind if you're deaf
But composers should hear, if they can

To play the Concerto, Tchaikovsky
Demands violin skills like Wieniewski
You can't be weak
You need schmaltz plus technique
To play it just good enoughsky
To play the Concerto, Tchaikovsky
Demands violin skills like Wieniewski
You can't be weak
You need schmaltz plus technique
To play it just good enoughsky

Jazz orchestra, that was his thing
Composing for them he was king
He'd jive and he'd juke
And thus said the Duke
'It don't mean a thing without swing'
Jazz orchestra, that was his thing
Composing for them he was king
He'd jive and he'd juke
And thus said the Duke
'It don't mean a thing without swing'

Ravel wrote Bolero in C
And it mostly remains in that key
But near the conclusion
Amid some confusion
It modulates suddenly to E
Ravel wrote Bolero in C
And it mostly remains in that key
But near the conclusion
Amid some confusion
It modulates suddenly to E

A band leader John Philip Sousa
Was truly in touch with his musa
His bold archetype
The Stars and the Stripes
It's music you just can't refusa

I've never heard any songs finer
Than Schubert's late settings of Heine
Die Stadt, with its edgy
Piano arpeggi
Sounds best in the key of C minor
I've never heard any songs finer
Than Schubert's late settings of Heine
Die Stadt, with its edgy
Piano arpeggi
Sounds best in the key of C minor

Playing Paganini in your grotto
Can cause your fingers to clotto
I do believe
You need to achieve
A kind of legato spicatto

A young lad whose first name was felix
Had good stuff in his double-helix
He had, you will find
a prodigious mind
for music when he was a mere six
A young lad whose first name was felix
Had good stuff in his double-helix
He had, you will find
a prodigious mind
for music when he was a mere six

She frowned and called him Mr.
Because he fondly kr.
And so for spite
That very night
That Mr. kr. sr.
She frowned and called him Mr.
Because he fondly kr.
And so for spite
That very night
That Mr. kr. sr.

There was a young maid from Siam
Who said to her lover, young Kiam
'To kiss me, of course
You will have to use force
Good thing you're stronger than I am'
There was a young maid from Siam
Who said to her lover, young Kiam
'To kiss me, of course
You will have to use force
Good thing you're stronger than I am'

There was a young lady of station
'I love man' was her sole exclamation
But when men cried 'You flatter!'
She replied, 'Oh, no matter!
Isle of Man, is the true explanation'
by Lewis Carroll
There was a young lady of station
'I love man' was her sole exclamation
But when men cried 'You flatter!'
She replied, 'Oh, no matter!
Isle of Man, is the true explanation'
by Lewis Carroll

There once was a person from Lyme
Who married three wives at a time
When asked, 'Why a third?'
He replied, 'One's absurd,
And bigamy, sir, is a crime!'
There once was a person from Lyme
Who married three wives at a time
When asked, 'Why a third?'
He replied, 'One's absurd,
And bigamy, sir, is a crime!'

A tutor who tooted a flute
Tried to teach two young tooters to toot
Said the two to the tutor,
'Is it harder to toot, or,
To tutor two tutors to toot?'
A tutor who tooted a flute
Tried to teach two young tooters to toot
Said the two to the tutor,
'Is it harder to toot, or,
To tutor two tutors to toot?'

A guitarist named Pat Donohue
Said 'Guitar is ideal in my view
I find it attracts
More girls than a sax
And the neighbors are fond of it too
A guitarist named Pat Donohue
Said 'Guitar is ideal in my view
I find it attracts
More girls than a sax
And the neighbors are fond of it too

The fabulous Wizard of Oz
Retired from business becoz
Due to up-to-date science
To most of his clients
He wasn't the Wiz that he woz
The fabulous Wizard of Oz
Retired from business becoz
Due to up-to-date science
To most of his clients
He wasn't the Wiz that he woz

There once was a lonely old skate
Who needed to find a new mate
His first wife lay dead
Down on the sea bed
Surrounded by pieces of eight
There once was a lonely old skate
Who needed to find a new mate
His first wife lay dead
Down on the sea bed
Surrounded by pieces of eight

Having established a basic rhythm and rhyming sequence, the following Limerick offers some advice on the poem's construction
There once was an X from place B
That satisfied predicate P
He or she did thing A
In an adjective way
Resulting in circumstance C
There once was an X from place B
That satisfied predicate P
He or she did thing A
In an adjective way
Resulting in circumstance C

And this Limerick offers a subtle variation to line five
There was an old man from Milan
Whose limericks never would scan
When told this was so
He said, 'yes, I know
But I always try to get as many syllables into the last line as I possibly can'
There was an old man from Milan
Whose limericks never would scan
When told this was so
He said, 'yes, I know
But I always try to get as many syllables into the last line as I possibly can'

This Limerick by Spike Milligan conforms to the basic idea ... or does it?
There was a young man named Wyatt
Whose voice was extremely quiet
And then one day
It faded away
...... .. .. ... .. .... ..... .... .. ..... .... ....
There was a young man named Wyatt
Whose voice was extremely quiet
And then one day
It faded away
...... .. .. ... .. .... ..... .... .. ..... .... ....

And by way of a conclusion, I can think of no better Limerick than this one
God's plan made a hopeful beginning
But Man spoilt his chances by sinning
We trust that the story
Will end in God's glory
But at present, the other side's winning
God's plan made a hopeful beginning
But Man spoilt his chances by sinning
We trust that the story
Will end in God's glory
But at present, the other side's winning
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